A place where I can dish about the world, pop culture, and my life. I may be talking to no one, but at least I'm talking.

Monday, December 26, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

The New Year is upon us come Sunday, so what better time to discuss New Year's resolutions? The things people always make but never do 97% of the time?

I was never really to do these and when I did make them I usually break them. It was only last year that I actually did a resolution that I completed; finishing my first novel "Faith" before a friend was to graduate from college. So on this year, I have decided to batten down the hatches and do two.

1) Write another a book.

This one is a no brainer. I'm about 2 weeks away from putting "Tranquility" on the web so in order to make a bigger profile, and a bigger profile means more books to publish. So I shall write another.

2) Get in shape.

This is also a no brainer, but one much more difficult to attain. To this point, I've been lucky to be able to fake looking healthy and thin and the like but things are starting to catch up with me. I need to be down there EVERY day even if it is cardio which is my go to thing most of the time. I'm almost 25 (FUCK) so I need to act like it.

So that's mine. What are yours?

Until next time, fly high and fly well.

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