A place where I can dish about the world, pop culture, and my life. I may be talking to no one, but at least I'm talking.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


You see all that?

Seems like alot.

Yeah, I though so too. It was a wake up call that's for damn sure.

This is a fraction of my collection. But these are the games, movies and GULP books I haven't touched yet. Well maybe a few are exceptions but 90% is new for sure to me.

A whole stack of PS2 and PS3 games. Unseen slightly is the Dreamcast, PS1 and PC games. Stacks of Paperbacks. Hardbacks. Stack of movies and TV series.

Two things are certain. One, I am not buying anything for awhile. Two, I may have found my new years resolution. Cut a large swath into this mess.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



So I decided to abandon my little motivation for one good reason: maintaining something like this is a pain in the ass because I hate dealing with.

Ok two reasons.

It's purpose: To get me motivated again is already working. Currently at 4801. No near 30k but it did its job.

Time to shave away the massive stubble and look human again. The writing will still continue nonetheless.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Five o'clock shadow

I haven't been working on my latest novel the past couple days. It is not because I was lazy or anything but some cold like symptoms had made me feel like shit. I'm not 100% yet but thanks to a bunch of sleep and Nyquil I think I am doing better.

As for the book the word count stands at 2450. That needs to change quick. So I came up with an idea. Since I'm sporting a mean five o clock right now how about I continue to let it grow. Until I hit 30k.

It will hurt like a bitch to shave off (the electric is not kind to me) and I'll have to make an excuse or two but I think it will be a nice motivator. We shall see.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New work

So it is almost 2am and I need to go to bed for work at 9am but I thought I would write a blog entry first to update the world first.

Work still sucks. That is all on that.

As to other things, I am starting my second novel. Titled "Shattered Glass" it's book synopsis would go something like this:

"David Essex is riding high. As bestselling novelist Janus Stone, he has made millions off the sick and the macabre. But time is running out. David hasn't written in months and he is starting to fear his gift is gone. However, a chance encounter with the sultry Mara may the key to his creativity, or his very destruction. For Mara is not just any girl and she will cause David to reexamine who he is and how far he is willing to go..."

Sounds good? Yeah I would buy it too.

1100 words in, many to go. May the gods be on my side once again.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.