A place where I can dish about the world, pop culture, and my life. I may be talking to no one, but at least I'm talking.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A defense of the horror genre

After recently watching FD5 I recalled why most people dismiss the horror genre, whether it be movies, games, or novels. Most consider them by only one sub genre; the slasher/body count film. They are gore and not much else, usually poorly written, and have no redeeming social value most of the time outside of temporary jolts. But to only consider those does a disservice to the craft.

Most horror is not exactly about death. It is about fear, and discomfort, and the unknown. Some of the best horror/psychological films had no deaths, or very few. For example Spiral (2007) has to be one of the more nerve wracking psychological horror films I've ever seen. It is the definition of a slow burn film, prodding you minute by minute. You know something bad is going to happen. You just don't know when. And when the double twist ending hits you like a sledgehammer, you can barely think about what you have witnessed.

Or...I Saw The Devil (2010). A contender to the throne of most disturbing serial killer film ever *(up there with Se7en). A film that expounds of erosion's of morality in the pursuit of revenge, base human natures, and just plain horrifying imagery and actions, ISTD is an epic achievement that reaches for the heart of darkness and clutches it. When it is over you feel emotionally drained, but overtly satisfied.
These are only two examples but others are there. I just don't have time for them.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My work is not yet done.

Currently finishing up the 3rd editing cut of "Tranquillity." I had taken a few days off because my heart was not in it. On the second to last character. It is starting to come along well. I'm taking notes on what to fix, especially if I'm not concentrating on it this go around. One of the things I'm considering is adding a prologue with a nameless protagonist. Not only would it up the word count, but it might bridge the narrative a little bit. I haven't written it yet and it will have to be spot on to be part of the final editing.

Ahh...got to love editing. That is the major downside to this self publishing thing. I am doing all this by myself. The pros have professionals that look over their manuscripts. I'm looking out for misspelled words, tense issues (I'm terrible on that) etc. The 4th run through will involve me reading this aloud which will take forever.

I also figured out some other things, such as what I want for a cover (assuming CreateSpace will allow it with their create a cover feature), and a dedication page. That right now, besides the editing will be the biggest hurdle to deal with in the next month or so. It is a bunch of information to process and I've asked my dad to be a second pair of eyes. He hasn't had time yet. Once you figure it all out though, I heard it is pretty easy to get started. So all in all I hope to have this on the web end of August or September.

If I can add one thing about all this post production. If you need to work to music I cannot recommend techno enough. There is something about trance techno that puts you in the zone to work your ass off. That and a large energy drink. Gotta love my SLAP's!

Anyways that is all for now. Have a non writing topic or two on the way. Perhaps a little about DC, some revenge films etc.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.