Hello once again. I've been away for a bit and I have an update or two.
I am currently in my 3rd editing cut of "Tranquillity." I worked through 30-40 pages or so today and it was a more comprehensive cut in my opinion. I totally reworked some scenes and tweaked the dialogue like crazy to make it seem more believable. I am also considering writing a prologue as a way to bridge into the arcs plus add some word count since I chopped about 4-5000 words already. I still probably have 1-3 more cuts to go through before it will be as close to perfect as I can get it. Or rather to the point where if I see it again I might punch a hole in my computer screen because I am so sick of it lol.
I've basically decided that I will try to self publish the novel when it is finally done. The bookstore as we know it is dying. It is sad but telling truth. As it is, I will basically have the same chance of success self publishing as trying to wait a year for a traditional publisher to say yes. I'll hold on to all my rights and keep more money from sales. Which I hope to have many =)
So that's the dealio on all that. This is probably 1-2 months away but who knows. The speed I'm editing this book could press things along quicker. We shall see.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Amy joins the club
Amy Winehouse, a talented but very troubled singer died today at 27.
She joins an elite club that no one strives to be a member of; the "27 club" musicians and other artists taken before their time at the age of 27.
Admittedly, I was not a fan of her music. And her personal issues splashed across the news made her something of a punchline. As I saw on Facebook, most were cracking jokes. Most saw this coming, but that gives no right to speak ill of the dead.
But if you are, this is what I say. I'm actually pissed off at her. Reason being, she was talented, and she could of went far. But she let her bullshit consume her and she pissed away her talent. It is a funny thing how those who are potentially brilliant are so self destructive. When you knowingly fall into a bottomless pit what kind of message does that send to other people? That one must be screwed up to be famous, to truly breathe full potential?
We always like to say people are taken before their time. But for Amy she held a grenade and pulled the pin.
Let me put it this way; Rappers sing about the gang life and the hood. They don't LIVE there.
So Amy, whether it was drugs or not, you could've talked about substance abuse, that you weren't going to rehab in your songs. That didn't give you the right to have life imitate art. You squandered god given talent and for that I cannot feel sorry for you. I hope you find peace but your willingness to self implode despite the opportunities others would of killed for is not tragic, but sad in a way you probably never intended.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
She joins an elite club that no one strives to be a member of; the "27 club" musicians and other artists taken before their time at the age of 27.
Admittedly, I was not a fan of her music. And her personal issues splashed across the news made her something of a punchline. As I saw on Facebook, most were cracking jokes. Most saw this coming, but that gives no right to speak ill of the dead.
But if you are, this is what I say. I'm actually pissed off at her. Reason being, she was talented, and she could of went far. But she let her bullshit consume her and she pissed away her talent. It is a funny thing how those who are potentially brilliant are so self destructive. When you knowingly fall into a bottomless pit what kind of message does that send to other people? That one must be screwed up to be famous, to truly breathe full potential?
We always like to say people are taken before their time. But for Amy she held a grenade and pulled the pin.
Let me put it this way; Rappers sing about the gang life and the hood. They don't LIVE there.
So Amy, whether it was drugs or not, you could've talked about substance abuse, that you weren't going to rehab in your songs. That didn't give you the right to have life imitate art. You squandered god given talent and for that I cannot feel sorry for you. I hope you find peace but your willingness to self implode despite the opportunities others would of killed for is not tragic, but sad in a way you probably never intended.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Response to AVClub: 4 other accidental finales that worked.
Many people like to watch TV. And nothing is more maddening but to get into a show only for it get cut down in its prime.
AVClub.com recently did an article about 24 TV finales that wound up working as series finales. And that got me thinking, what other ones did they missed? Fortunately, I am here to educate thee. Admittedly, I caught 2 of these on DVD after cancellation, but I rode the other two to the graveyard so I know what I'm talking about. Let us begin.

Tell me you love me (2007)
One great thing about off campus housing was free HBO. Which I abused with relish. At least until the next year when they took it away. Cheap bastards. But in my time having it I discovered a series that I should've not liked. It did not involve explosions, Quentin Taratinoesque dialogue, big dramatic art pieces. It was a show about three couples on the brink of collapse and the couple therapist that brings them back from the edge.
TMYLM was a groundbreaking, ahead of its time show, involving real looking people with real fucking problems. There was no scandalous plot twists; these were plots that any age group can relate to. The 20's couple was worried about commitment. The 30's couple wanted a baby (at least the woman did), and the 40's the passion was gone.
What made this series so amazing was the level of maturity it had. Sex was a controversial aspect of the show but was always treated tastefully and with respect. It was never gratuitous or overtly titillating, but part of the show. The reason I stayed though were the interactions between the couples and some of the conversations that were so blistering you could hear a pin drop.
While initially renewed, the show ultimately died because the creator painted herself into a corner and didn't know where to go next. Lucky for her and her audience, she made a finale that wrapped up her main plot points. The 20's couple Jamie and Hugo put their fears to rest and get married, ending the series kissing in a chapel happy to face the new stage of their relationship. The 30's couple was thrown another setback; Carolyn lost the baby but Palek shows his worth by showing his support. And finally, the 40's couple David and Katie take a small step forwards to getting back to sexual intimacy. In these final moments we see that life goes on and it is never to late to be happy with the one you love.

Daybreak (2006)
A show perhaps killed by an idea that could run out of gas too quickly, you have to credit Daybreak for scope. Basically Groundhog Day meets 24, Daybreak served its viewers with more twists and turns than you usual season of soap operas, plenty of violence, and character nuances that turned on a dime.
The cast was perfect, anchored by lead actor Taye Diggs who showed a bevy of differing emotions as the "Day" went on.
The show was killed mid season but a series finale was craftily written in which the main conspiracy was exposed, the bad guys punished or killed and Diggs living to see the next day. While it did have some nagging threads (Adam Baldwin's character, Digg's character father, who was that old guy etc) it nonetheless wrapped up one hell of a joyride.

Kidnapped (2006)
Another serial series taken too soon, Kidnapped was going to have a semi rotating cast and go with a case a season motif a la Murder One before. Alas it never got a second season so the idea was moot.
What worked with Kidnapped was stellar acting. Jermey Sisto, Timothy Hutton, Delroy Lindo, Myketti Williamson (that's right Bubba himself) were among the heavy hitters and no one slouched on the job. One again dealing with a twisty narrative that dropped bodies as quickly as the shocking surprises, Kidnapped knew how to get and keep your attention. Something apparently a certain AMC series didn't learn (yeah we're looking at you THE KILLING).
Cancelled mid way, the writers crafted the finale that wrapped up the kidnapping plot, produced a cunning yet sympathetic villain, and brought the series to a close. If not for a huge plot thread involving an old adversary of Jermey Sisto's Knapp, I would consider the finale to almost be pitch perfect.

Skins (2011)
A recent cancellation that stings just a little. Don't judge me while you watch CSI: Bullshit, you fucking zombies. You're in my world right now bitch.
Nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of concerned conservative parents complaining about sexual content on television. And God forbid it involve teens.
Hey Mrs. Puritan? Your daughter is getting tag teamed upstairs. Live with it.
On one hand, I shouldn't like this show because it is so trashy in a way. Oh sure it looks cool and all, but hey I got to have a fucking childhood and actually waited to grow up. Should take another two years or so lol...
Never mind the fact the UK version is actually worse content wise b/c on British television they can show full frontal nudity. And curse. We are truly a nation of p******.
Anyways, the PTC and their right wing assholes buddies killed the advertisers and sullied the viewers down to the point of cancellation. The writing was on the wall. Luckily, the main plot lines were wrapped up.
Tony learns to be less of a dick and realizes how much his sister and friends mean to him. Eura finally speaks and realizes how much her brother Tony cares for her. Tony's stepfather, who was a joke to him and the audience, shows he gives a damn and is there for Tony when he really needs him. Chris continues to be the party, happy go lucky guy. Daisy and Abudd realize they want more than just Friends with benefits. Tea stops trying to be something she is not and embraces her sexuality snuggling up to the hospital staying Betty. Medicated, depressed Cadie makes her first real adult decision letting Stanley go so he can be with Michelle. And Michelle, ready to use her own mind for once, finally acts on her mutual feelings for Stanley, making out with him on his porch. And Stanley? Well he still might have his V-Card but you know Michelle will take care of that soon enough.
The beat goes on and the kids continue to live in the fucked up world their parents left to them. The main reason this show resonated even though I'm technically not a teen anymore is the underlying theme of how screwed up everyone is. If this and Chad Kultgen's novel Men Women & Children (which I will do a blog about later) is any indication, My future kids are FUCKED.
As they should be.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
AVClub.com recently did an article about 24 TV finales that wound up working as series finales. And that got me thinking, what other ones did they missed? Fortunately, I am here to educate thee. Admittedly, I caught 2 of these on DVD after cancellation, but I rode the other two to the graveyard so I know what I'm talking about. Let us begin.
Tell me you love me (2007)
One great thing about off campus housing was free HBO. Which I abused with relish. At least until the next year when they took it away. Cheap bastards. But in my time having it I discovered a series that I should've not liked. It did not involve explosions, Quentin Taratinoesque dialogue, big dramatic art pieces. It was a show about three couples on the brink of collapse and the couple therapist that brings them back from the edge.
TMYLM was a groundbreaking, ahead of its time show, involving real looking people with real fucking problems. There was no scandalous plot twists; these were plots that any age group can relate to. The 20's couple was worried about commitment. The 30's couple wanted a baby (at least the woman did), and the 40's the passion was gone.
What made this series so amazing was the level of maturity it had. Sex was a controversial aspect of the show but was always treated tastefully and with respect. It was never gratuitous or overtly titillating, but part of the show. The reason I stayed though were the interactions between the couples and some of the conversations that were so blistering you could hear a pin drop.
While initially renewed, the show ultimately died because the creator painted herself into a corner and didn't know where to go next. Lucky for her and her audience, she made a finale that wrapped up her main plot points. The 20's couple Jamie and Hugo put their fears to rest and get married, ending the series kissing in a chapel happy to face the new stage of their relationship. The 30's couple was thrown another setback; Carolyn lost the baby but Palek shows his worth by showing his support. And finally, the 40's couple David and Katie take a small step forwards to getting back to sexual intimacy. In these final moments we see that life goes on and it is never to late to be happy with the one you love.
Daybreak (2006)
A show perhaps killed by an idea that could run out of gas too quickly, you have to credit Daybreak for scope. Basically Groundhog Day meets 24, Daybreak served its viewers with more twists and turns than you usual season of soap operas, plenty of violence, and character nuances that turned on a dime.
The cast was perfect, anchored by lead actor Taye Diggs who showed a bevy of differing emotions as the "Day" went on.
The show was killed mid season but a series finale was craftily written in which the main conspiracy was exposed, the bad guys punished or killed and Diggs living to see the next day. While it did have some nagging threads (Adam Baldwin's character, Digg's character father, who was that old guy etc) it nonetheless wrapped up one hell of a joyride.
Kidnapped (2006)
Another serial series taken too soon, Kidnapped was going to have a semi rotating cast and go with a case a season motif a la Murder One before. Alas it never got a second season so the idea was moot.
What worked with Kidnapped was stellar acting. Jermey Sisto, Timothy Hutton, Delroy Lindo, Myketti Williamson (that's right Bubba himself) were among the heavy hitters and no one slouched on the job. One again dealing with a twisty narrative that dropped bodies as quickly as the shocking surprises, Kidnapped knew how to get and keep your attention. Something apparently a certain AMC series didn't learn (yeah we're looking at you THE KILLING).
Cancelled mid way, the writers crafted the finale that wrapped up the kidnapping plot, produced a cunning yet sympathetic villain, and brought the series to a close. If not for a huge plot thread involving an old adversary of Jermey Sisto's Knapp, I would consider the finale to almost be pitch perfect.
Skins (2011)
A recent cancellation that stings just a little. Don't judge me while you watch CSI: Bullshit, you fucking zombies. You're in my world right now bitch.
Nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of concerned conservative parents complaining about sexual content on television. And God forbid it involve teens.
Hey Mrs. Puritan? Your daughter is getting tag teamed upstairs. Live with it.
On one hand, I shouldn't like this show because it is so trashy in a way. Oh sure it looks cool and all, but hey I got to have a fucking childhood and actually waited to grow up. Should take another two years or so lol...
Never mind the fact the UK version is actually worse content wise b/c on British television they can show full frontal nudity. And curse. We are truly a nation of p******.
Anyways, the PTC and their right wing assholes buddies killed the advertisers and sullied the viewers down to the point of cancellation. The writing was on the wall. Luckily, the main plot lines were wrapped up.
Tony learns to be less of a dick and realizes how much his sister and friends mean to him. Eura finally speaks and realizes how much her brother Tony cares for her. Tony's stepfather, who was a joke to him and the audience, shows he gives a damn and is there for Tony when he really needs him. Chris continues to be the party, happy go lucky guy. Daisy and Abudd realize they want more than just Friends with benefits. Tea stops trying to be something she is not and embraces her sexuality snuggling up to the hospital staying Betty. Medicated, depressed Cadie makes her first real adult decision letting Stanley go so he can be with Michelle. And Michelle, ready to use her own mind for once, finally acts on her mutual feelings for Stanley, making out with him on his porch. And Stanley? Well he still might have his V-Card but you know Michelle will take care of that soon enough.
The beat goes on and the kids continue to live in the fucked up world their parents left to them. The main reason this show resonated even though I'm technically not a teen anymore is the underlying theme of how screwed up everyone is. If this and Chad Kultgen's novel Men Women & Children (which I will do a blog about later) is any indication, My future kids are FUCKED.
As they should be.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Progress Report
I have 47 pages left to edit in Tranquillity. I'm three quarters through Eric. I still got Tom, Anna, and Joshua left to do. So I wonder what I did there. I know that Anna is gonna need the most work. Her arc was the shortest word count, and I just wasn't sure how to write a woman. Cormac McCarthy said it best. Women are...complex. This will take three cuts easy on that part alone to get it right. Overall though I feel pretty good about everything. It seems to sound a lot tighter, better etc. Hopefully, I can stay on top of those.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
P.S. I'll have some non-writing topics coming up soon. Promise.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
P.S. I'll have some non-writing topics coming up soon. Promise.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The pruning continues
And I'm back once again.
Got to page 50 of 120 in the middle of Aaron's story. I just made my first huge cut. I just deleted an entire SCENE. That was a big thing even though I knew looking at the scene it was crap. It was poorly written, redundant in regards other characters do and didn't fit with character motivations. But still it was a hell of a step. For the most part, I chop off 5-20 words an edit and possibly add some back. I just got rid of 600+ words in one swoop. It's a big deal. But that's what novelists have to do. Chop and trim until the prose is just right.
Anyways, I hope keeping at the pace I'm working at, I'll have the first cut done by Sunday.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Got to page 50 of 120 in the middle of Aaron's story. I just made my first huge cut. I just deleted an entire SCENE. That was a big thing even though I knew looking at the scene it was crap. It was poorly written, redundant in regards other characters do and didn't fit with character motivations. But still it was a hell of a step. For the most part, I chop off 5-20 words an edit and possibly add some back. I just got rid of 600+ words in one swoop. It's a big deal. But that's what novelists have to do. Chop and trim until the prose is just right.
Anyways, I hope keeping at the pace I'm working at, I'll have the first cut done by Sunday.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Fuck You Green Squiggly Line
So tonight I am doing more editing of "Tranquillity". It is going along well; I am getting the hang of pruning where I got too. I overwrote a bit, wrote lines that weren't really necessary. I also have had to replace dialogue a lot since I would use similar stuff in other character arcs. But nothing that would cause me heartache.
One thing is giving me pause.
Microsoft Word. Or rather the green squiggly line it supplies when you misspell a word. Or more grievously have a fragment sentence.
This thing is driving me mad. I'll subconsciously try to appease by trying to work the sentence so it will go away. I can never make it happy. I'm always wrong. Never mind the fact that this is my book and if I want to write fragments, or dialogue a certain way, I should. I shouldn't be governed by an inanimate writing program. Do you have any idea how stupid I feel when I realize that?
So fuck you green squiggly line. One click of "Ignore Once" and I banish thee. Back to work I guess.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
One thing is giving me pause.
Microsoft Word. Or rather the green squiggly line it supplies when you misspell a word. Or more grievously have a fragment sentence.
This thing is driving me mad. I'll subconsciously try to appease by trying to work the sentence so it will go away. I can never make it happy. I'm always wrong. Never mind the fact that this is my book and if I want to write fragments, or dialogue a certain way, I should. I shouldn't be governed by an inanimate writing program. Do you have any idea how stupid I feel when I realize that?
So fuck you green squiggly line. One click of "Ignore Once" and I banish thee. Back to work I guess.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Editing Tranquillity and updates
Was up this morning to do some work editing. Just finished the first pass of Jason. Two characters down, and five to go for the first cut. Still got a little over 80 pages left to go through. Already cut about a thousand words out to tighten prose. I got to say it feels good to make it sound better. I'll update as as more comes.
I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I do have some topics in mind. Some pop culture stuff for sure, some current events etc. I just haven't sat down and written. I am sorry for my laziness but if my recent editing is an indicator, I should be on these very soon.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I do have some topics in mind. Some pop culture stuff for sure, some current events etc. I just haven't sat down and written. I am sorry for my laziness but if my recent editing is an indicator, I should be on these very soon.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Mario Puzo's lost novel
Everyone has a good idea who Mario Puzo is. Mention The Godfather trilogy and you know him. He was a prolific author of the mafioso way of life, codes of Omerta, murder, betrayal, and loyalty. It wasn't until he wrote the original Godfather novel that he became a household name. But before that, he actually had written three other novels.
The first two, The Dark Arena and The Fortunate Pilgrim were considered classics by critics but didn't sell well. Then in 1967 writing under the name Mario Cleri, Puzo wrote Six Graves to Munich, a Post WWII revenge novel. It was lost for several years, until a Polish publishing company recovered it and reprinted it.
Now, this book is far from Godfather, or even The Family, which I actually think was his best novel. It is the realm of a John Grisham novel; a quick breeze read, straight to the point. Yet, many of Puzo's traits are there. The introspective third person perspective of wronged American Michael Rogan. The underlying mob culture he has infiltrate in order to kill one of his targets. The little details that Puzo loves to sprinkle through his works; like the bit about how a small village imports prostitutes for its festivals to take the virginity of the local young boys so they will not go after the village girls. All of this is trademark of the legend that is Mario Puzo.
Like I said it is clear this book is a beginner novel, just as Puzo was coming into his craft. But there is no denying the underlying workmanship that goes into this writing, as any of his books. The fact the book was released at all, is a welcome surprise. It is an equivalent of a old pal coming over to share one more story.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Why I refuse to see Transformers 3
While Transformers made near a 100 million at the box office this weekend, I outright skipped it, and went to see Larry Crowne instead. Their are several reasons why I am not really going to see this movie. I might happen to watch it on pay cable 5 years later but that's about it.
Reasons include
1.Recasting of Megan Fox. I hate recasting. With a passion. It is jarring and god forbid the other person does better, all you can think why they didn't hire them in the first place. Get the actors into multi film contracts or get someone who will. Not to mention her character arc with Shia Labeouf was one of the few things that worked in that movie. They had good chemistry and furthermore, it worked for the movie. I know that is not realistic in a sense; usually a relationship presented in that flick fizzles out within a year but hey movies are about escapism and if I can't believe that the Megan Fox's and Kristen Stewart's of the world won't go for the slightly geeky intellectual like myself, then what do I left to have faith in huh?
2. Too damn long. 2 and half hours. Every time. Trim the fat damnit.
3. Stupid comedy. Not much to say. Michael Bay you suck at comedy.
4. Action for action sake. The climax during The Killer? Has resonance. A hour of robots blowing up Chicago with countless faceless dead in the process? Not so much.
A few of the reasons, can't think of too many, it's late and all. Like I said before, Michael Bay you are not getting my money. Pull back and be a little more restrained, like The Island. I liked that movie.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Reasons include
1.Recasting of Megan Fox. I hate recasting. With a passion. It is jarring and god forbid the other person does better, all you can think why they didn't hire them in the first place. Get the actors into multi film contracts or get someone who will. Not to mention her character arc with Shia Labeouf was one of the few things that worked in that movie. They had good chemistry and furthermore, it worked for the movie. I know that is not realistic in a sense; usually a relationship presented in that flick fizzles out within a year but hey movies are about escapism and if I can't believe that the Megan Fox's and Kristen Stewart's of the world won't go for the slightly geeky intellectual like myself, then what do I left to have faith in huh?
2. Too damn long. 2 and half hours. Every time. Trim the fat damnit.
3. Stupid comedy. Not much to say. Michael Bay you suck at comedy.
4. Action for action sake. The climax during The Killer? Has resonance. A hour of robots blowing up Chicago with countless faceless dead in the process? Not so much.
A few of the reasons, can't think of too many, it's late and all. Like I said before, Michael Bay you are not getting my money. Pull back and be a little more restrained, like The Island. I liked that movie.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
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