When the news hit on Sunday that Osama Bin Laden was killed I didn't believe it.
It was crazy to say the least. The big bad wolf was finally tracked down and taken out. I wasn't going to be one of the overly jubilant but I cannot lie and say that I wasn't glad he is gone from the world. The man took the greatest gift a person had which was life and pissed it away in order to hurt others. And for what? Believing others than yourself to be infidels? Anything can be interpreted one way. One guys terrorist is another one's prophet.
Side Tangent: I think the fact he was finally taken out redeems President Bush a little. His saying "He can run but he can't hide." had been a joke for quite some time and now he has been vindicated a bit. It may of not have happened during his administration, but he looks like a less of an an idiot. Just saying.
What makes it worse is that 0ne of the men killed was one of his sons. It may of have been one of his sons that joined him in jihad but that doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is that he took one of his children with him because of his bullshit.
Thinking of that makes me think of Saddam Hussein, the former dictator. He poisoned his entire family, and screwed up all his kids. His sons were total psychotics that went down the road of Dad to the Nth degree. Saddam also gave his WORD to his daughter that her husband who had enemies would not be killed. The guy was murdered within a month of returning to Iraq. When Saddam's sons were killed, one of Saddam's grand kids was killed with them.
Which brings us to Gadaffi, the soon to be deposed/killed leader of Libya. Just recently a bombing killed one of his sons and three grandchildren. It's terrible that the innocent family members of men like him have to be the casualties.
Overall, these are my thoughts. These guys are/were awful people. But beyond that, they were shitty fathers. They let their kids get caught in the crossfire, and be poisoned with their crap. I think of a key scene from the show Nip/Tuck in which Julia berates Christan:
"You know why you will never be a good father Christan? Because father's want their sons to be better than them...Not carbon copies."
If I was one of these guys, I would have NEVER let my kids get involved in my crap. I would do everything in my power to make sure they have a life far away from that stuff. Make sure they stay safe. I may be a bad men, but I would try my best to be a good father, and protect my children. In this, among MANY other things, these three had epic fails.
When I think about these guys and the things they have done I just think of the one question: "Has anything you've done made your life better?" I mean all this death, this destruction, the religious harping has it enriched their being here on this earth. I think these guys have it all twisted; they are so concerned with the Paradise they will have in death, that they have forgotten to live. Of course if I ever got close to one of these guys to actually ask this, I would captured and executed live on Al-Jazerra.
You know actually scratch that. If I was going to say anything, I'd steal from Wes Craven. To quote horror heroine Sidney Prescott:
"You know why you kill people...do you? Because you choose to their is no else to blame. Why don't you take some FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY!"
So 3 different guys but thematically similar. Two are dead, and one is probably on his way out. They have left countless dead (including their own kids) and inflamed the world around them. There are plenty of ways to get a message across. What they have done was definitely NOT the right way to do it.
Apparently they didn't get the memo. None of them for that matter.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.