First of all an apology is in order. When I called the first Blair Witch the grandfather of found footage flicks I was wrong. The above is actually considered with that distinct honor. Moving on.
Ok, here is my main point on while these films are pointless. They have no suspense whatsoever. Think about it. How do these films usually end? With a dead person dropping the camera. They all end the same way. With the last person dead. Don't believe me? Think about the above movie. Or...
Blair Witch.
The Last Exorcism
Or even the upcoming Apollo 18. Is their a single person that doesn't know how that one is going to end?
I didn't think so.
If you go into every film like this with the knowledge that everyone is going to die it makes everything you are about to watch pointless. No matter what is going on, you cannot have any emotional investment whatsoever with the characters on screen since you already know their fate. You can not be wrapped up in whether they will live or die because they are all going to die.
Spoiler to end all spoilers. Every found footage horror film ends with everyone dying despite their strenuous efforts to stay alive.
I just saved you countless hours and dollars. Enjoy the extra time.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
I agree entirely. This sub-genre of horror needs to die.