A place where I can dish about the world, pop culture, and my life. I may be talking to no one, but at least I'm talking.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More life lessons.

Two posts in one day. I'm spoiling you all seven of you.

More life lessons, some good, some bad, some in between. Not so many as last time, but I'll try to think of more for future posts.

*Your favorite meal after a bad day can make all your problems dissolve.

*Everything that people around you take for granted, you won't.

*People never have time for you. You will always have time for them.

*A good book on a rainy day is an afternoon not wasted.


*You can be surrounded by people, and feel totally alone.

Until next time, fly high and fly well.


  1. Let's not forget that sometimes while we unabashedly give so much of ourselves to the people that fail to acknowledge us; there's someone that is doing the same for us. But we are to busy wistfully focusing on that closed door that we don't even realize. Just a less cynical thought to end the night on...

  2. Aww...Liz,
    You're so sweet. Seriously, and I am glad we have a female follower or this place would be a total sausage fest.

    Psst, Call Me? (Raven reaches for a nearby crowbar), whoops never mind.

    But on a more serious note, yes I have said some of these little tidbits of advice about people never having time for you, but I think that comes from my borderline nihilistic philosophy and I am apologizing for any negative influence I may have incurred.

    All I can say is that if people don't have the time for you - FUCK EM. Move on, they obviously aren't worth your time either. I for one (Kenobi/Romulus) will always be here. So will Hendrix and my better half, Dark Sailor Moon. People who don't respect you can shove it. There I go again with nihilism. You drink to that Liz?
    So say we all,

  3. You totally got the last one from me.
