Thursday, July 5, 2012
Kindle freebies.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Random thought: First season cancelled
Sunday, May 6, 2012
A message to my international audience: Book is now on Kindle
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Back to the trenches
As I sat in this goodwill trailer as the pouring rain pounds down, I got to say it felt good to be back in the groove. Of course, I still have much to do, not only with this story, but the project as a whole. I need at least I think 12 stories for a collection, though I'll have to type it all up to be sure (I'm writing by hand).
Though the road will most likely long and hard for me on this road, once again I'm reminded why I love it. It feels good to create something, to do something impratical but awesome.
I'll see what I will be able to come up with in the coming weeks and start to put it together and see what I have. Depending on what it all is, I might need a new overall title. My working title is "Snapped" since I think it will be a horror/supense collection but I guess that depends on the stories I continue to create. Then of course there is the thing of a cover design. I already have a working idea; a woman, whose raven hair obscures her face, cutting into it with a scapel as blood trickles down. Wicked eh? We'll see.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Random thought: Damn Cabin
Genesis of a project
1) My November 2010 car accident
There is no way around it, I have to start here. Three days after completing my first novel, I got into an accident that could of claimed my life. I walked away with the smallest of cuts and a shaken feeling in my gut.
That could have been it. And that horrified me greatly. Not just the dying at 23 part, but the fact I wouldn’t have much to show for it. I mean there wouldn’t have much to say in my obituary.
That night solidified quite a few things for me. The biggest thing being that I had been given a second chance and I sure as hell couldn’t waste it. Ironically, if I hadn't had the accident, I probably wouldn't had such a fire under my ass to get another book done and publish it. So it was a blessing in disguise I guess.
2) 2012 and Harold Camping May 21st group.
Yes, most of are pretty sure the whole Mayan thing is bogus and there is plenty of evidence that nothing will happen on December 21.
You could have tried to mention that Harold Camping and his followers. That whole media circus happened a few weeks before I started writing the initial draft. Rational people knew it was bogus and Camping predicted wrong twice last year.
The whole thing got me thinking though; if they had been right, and we only did have a few days, how would a person spend it really?
3) Change of genre
My friend Kenobi/Romulus over discussion called the novel “An anti-doomsday novel” which in a way is correct. I purposefully show little violence or rioting or anything like that if something like this were to occur. Though it may had been through rose tinted glasses, I thought to myself; if you weren’t in the middle of that madness and you had a limited amount of time to fix something, what would you really do?
4) The film Last Night
I didn’t realize it until later, but my idea had been done before (kinda) in 1998’s last night that deals with a group of people on the last day on earth before it ends. While it does have some darker elements, it and my book are somewhat similar dealing with different people doing different things with the time they have left. One guy just wants to have a lot of sex. One wants to listen to music. Another just wants to get home to her husband. It shows a world that is about to suffer the end but without the usual Ronald Emmerich fire and brimstone destruction fiction writers like to imagine the world as.
5) Time
Time. We always think we have plenty of it and we don’t have to rush things.
Wrong again.
As previously stated, my near death experience drilled into my skull the universal truth; that nothing is guaranteed. So really, that is the point of the book, the message.
Seriously don’t do it. Don’t waste time and especially don’t waste the time of others (now my #1 pet peeve). Do things, live, experience, love. Live without the hesitations. Don’t hesitate going on that trip to Tibet. Tell that boy you love him. Eat that food you’ve never tried because we are here for only a moment.
There might not be an end of the world scenario but tomorrow is never guaranteed. Do you best to live right by you and create the world you would want to live in.
Now even as I say this, I am not perfect when it comes to practicing what I’m preaching. But I’m trying. My eyes are open to the possibilities. I hope the same for you.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Humble pie
However, I would like to take a few moments to speak about the road I had to follow in order to get here. This was no easy journey that much was for certain.
For one, I definitely now have huge respect to anyone else who writes a novel and fine tunes it for publication. Whether you’re traditionally published or going self-published I know now more than ever, that this is not an easy profession to take on. WRITING/EDITING is like get hit in the face with brass knuckles, several thousand times.
Don’t get misconstrued. I love it. I love creating when I get into the groove. What I’m saying is that I fully understand now more than anything is despite the fun it can bring, WRITING IS A JOB. As thus you must be PROFESSIONAL and treat it as thus. Don’t half ass it.
I sure as hell didn’t. From the initial draft, I was working on this, fine tuning it for almost a year on and off. And I didn’t do it all alone. I had some big help from my dad who has my deepest thanks for reading my book way more times than I think he would have like to help me trim the fat and make it sound better.
Another piece of humble pie I ate, that every writer has to at some point, is that I wasn’t the superstar my ego would like me to believe. In going through stuff, my dad pointed out A LOT of things that didn’t feel realistic, didn’t sound right etc. And though we clashed, though sometimes I got defensive, though it delayed the book more times than I like to think about, guess what? 98% of the time he was right. That is why the book is in part dedicated to him. I couldn’t have done this without him, and that’s for real.
So what I would like you take from the above is to remember that your work can always be better. You can always tweak it better, and if somebody mentions a big problem with something, more often than not they have a good reason for it. Listen to literary criticism no matter how hard it can be sometimes. You will thank yourself and them later.
Finally, this whole experience made me take a good look at myself and what I accomplished. Do I believe I did a great job and make a decent book? Yes. Is this a Farewell to Arms great? Fuck no. I’m not at Hemingway’s level and not trying to be him, or anyone else. I want to be the best writer I can be. And that’s probably the biggest lesson to learn; that I will always experience new things, I will not stop learning and when it comes to writing I can AND will improve. Sky’s the limit now.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
The Book is done (For real)
Hello, fellow blog readers. Yes, I have returned from the dead once more. I apologize once more for lack of posts but I have been extremely busy with the book and not much else (other than my real job) and haven’t had much going on or anything to discuss.
But now I do. As of today my novel, “Tranquility” has now gone live for sale on my Createspace e-store and for print copies (links will be posted at the bottom). Kindle will be coming soon.
It just feels so good I must say. I can now officially say that I am a published author. Something new to put on resume I guess lol.
Though I am realistic about my expectations, I am still idealistic about it. The thing about this emerging market that I absolutely adore is that anyone, anywhere, has the opportunity to make it. Some will go big like Amanda Hocking and J.A. Konarath and that’s great though. But what is really great are the proverbial “other guys.” The guys that will do well enough to make this their full time profession and be happy for it. The guys that add a little income every month to make thing easier from themselves. The possibilities are endless here.
For the moment, even though I know of several that have told me they will buy copies, I still have to face reality. It’s not going to explode into a bestseller in one day, and tomorrow I will still have to report in at my job.
But what is great, is just as I previously stated is the opportunity. The slightest of chances, the sliver of hope one can hope for a better situation. That’s the American dream baby and there’s nothing better than that.
Book links here:
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Losing my religion
My bad.
Okay, this is not going to be as serious as a topic as the title would make you think. Not to mention in case some of you haven't looked it up on Wikipedia, the phrase "Losing my religion" does not mean exactly that. It's a southern expression for losing manners and/or your temper. Well I'm not going to blow my top but I do have a bone to pick with the religious folk.
Just yesterday, I was accosted by both a Christian and Jehovah's Witness preaching the gospel so to speak and thus making me extremely uncomfortable. I never know how to act around these people. I know they mean well and are just doing their jobs (a conversation with Romulus reminded me that part of Christianity is the missionary work thus preaching the gospel) but come on two in one day was ridiculous.
The JW even just assumed I had a bible to look up the 200 individual scriptures that were in the magazines she gave me. The arrogance. What it made it even worse was the women in question were older women. To be rude to them would of been like cussing out my grandmother.
Still, this kind of stuff annoys me. I REALLY don't like talking about religion (like some people hate talking about politics). I've only told a very few people what I believe (or don't). What I really don't believe in though in the institutions of religions. Now once again, I do think a lot of good people do great work in the churches and all but....
I mean come on. Really, the whole systems they are based on are eroding in the 21st century. The world is changing and they keep clinging to the same words and scriptures. That may seem be fine but all things must evolve; build upon these words and strengthen your religion than perhaps we'll talk. Not to mention, they use the words of such institutions to lash out to those that are different than them (i.e. the gay/lesbian community).
All of that drives me nuts. Many who claim to be religious do not live the same sphere of thought most of us do. They look to the good books, instead of their own free mind in order to make a decision about something. How about you act like a human being, listen to an issue, then make a decision with your own mind and not an inanimate book? Religion is a guide to a better life, not a tell all be all.
This is the very reason I hate guys like Rick Santorum. His stone age, bible bullshit will send the country back hundreds of years if he gets elected. He thinks more or less than women should stay in the kitchen and kids should all be home schooled, keeping their worlds as insular as possible. Guys like him have drunk the kool aid so deeply, they no longer have individual thought.
So what does all this ranting add up to? I don't know really. Just that some well intentioned, older women spoke of god and religion and made me so uncomfortable I almost want to quit my job so they will never stop by and bother me again. Seriously, people, stop bugging me at work, I'm trying to blog here.
Until next time, fly high and fly well
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Had to scrap another novel recently due to being unable to find the right direction and stress. Though I have a new idea, I'm working a little bit slower. Not to mention instead of a novel it will be a short story collection. I'm almost done with the first draft of "Look." I will then move on to the next "Sleeper" using a character from another scrapped book of mine.
Right now, I'm in a perputal gray zone. Waiting to finish the editing so I can finally publish the novel so maybe I could make some money maybe and finally put it behind me. It should not be much longer. I hope. Until then, I got not much else than my bullshit job and my vain attempts to stave off insanity. What can I say, I'm only human.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Friday, February 3, 2012
New news!
Sorry I've been away for awhile, been real busy but do I have some news for you.
-"Tranquility" is coming out, I promise! I'm in the last stages of editing, only about 3 sections left to go. When I finally get some cover art to sift through thanks to an old HS acquaintance I can upload it to Createspace and order that proof copy. Once I approve it, that baby will be on Amazon in no time. Probably will only be POD at first, but I will try to get the Kindle version up ASAP too.
-Started a new project. Will have news soon.
-Also coming soon, a new blog possibly! Considering doing a writer's blog, where I can exclusively talk about writing, give tips and advice etc, and just be in the trenches with other writers. That's actually what I'm thinking of calling it. The Trenches.
Well that's enough for now. I will be back in a while. Don't you worry.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Like Jim Sterling before me, I can admit when I'm wrong (Kinda)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Anyways, frat boy typing over. As some know, I write in my spare time, and one day hopefully as my profession. But sometimes a novel project just can't happen; sometimes you just got scribble something out every once in a while to keep the magic going. This was just something I came up with a few days ago. That's right, a poem. That's just how I roll.
She exists only in memory
Something illusory
A cipher haunting the souls of the lovelorn
Beauty and grace wrapped in the bow of idealization
One cannot articulate why she still has a hold
She just does
I too have been afflicted
By sickness that drives great men mad
Try as I may
She crawls through, slowly but surely
I wake to reality, to cold knowledge
She won’t be mine
That doesn’t stop the dreams
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Zero Day
Well technically, I almost had one. Some guy tried to give me a computer game chair but it was ripped up so I told him we couldn't accept it. After that...nothing. NADA.
Read 2 books, listen to some music. I would on done some work on the novel if not for the fact dumbass forgot to charge the laptop. Shame, it would of been the perfect day to do so.
Got called into the store to close for them, so an extra 3 hours of overtime. Been up over 12 hours today. fucking beat.
May tomorrow be just as slow, but I seriously doubt. A zero day is like an eclipse.
One in a million.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Random thought: Receipts vs. Coupons
Why do the people that donated stuff to me realize by asking for a reciept, but mean a store coupon, confuse the fuck out of me?
Furthermore, that is two completely different thing. Have they ever heard of coupons? Then why the fuck do they call them something else here and make my job harder? It is just a simple thing, why do they screw it up?
A receipt is for tax purposes. If you want a store coupon, ask for that!
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
A Dragon's Whimper
NOTE: Some mild spoilers to anyone to hasn’t seen the films.
I did not want to write this. I really didn’t.
When I heard that there was going to do U.S. remakes of the Swedish Millennium Trilogy, I was wary from the beginning. I have been a big fan of the films since they first came out. Admittedly, I have not had a chance to read the books yet but I could tell that the Swedish films were a swell adaptation of the source material. But as the media train continued to bombard with good news, such as decent casting and the fact that David Fincher would be directing, my interest was piqued, and I tried despite my reservations to keep a open mind. I finally had my chance to watch it this past Friday.
I fucking hated it.
If this is what is to be expected for the rest of the films, they will blemish my favorite film trilogy to date. Steig Larson is spinning in his grave for the incompetence that the filmmakers have done to his legacy.
But before I get to the numerous things they got wrong, let me talk about the few things that they got right.
1. Title Sequence
As film viewers know, one of the great things about home viewing is being able to fast forward through the first five minutes of the credits at the beginning of the movie. David Fincher’s previous film Se7en (1995) is one of the exceptions to the rule. Every time I watch that film, I watch the opening credits beginning to end because they are so brilliant. His version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is no different. James Bond meets S&M to Trent Renzor’s cover of “Immigrant Song” the opening is a hyperkinetic force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, its inclusion doesn’t fit with the film itself, which is basically a murder mystery potboiler.
2. Casting
I am not going to discuss Craig and Mara here because they are a negative I will discuss later. What I will discuss are the other actors that are used well. First and foremost, Christopher Plummer makes an excellent Henrik Vagner, who steely delivery masks decades of pain. Stellan Skarsgard pops up as Martin Vagner, the somewhat cheery brother of presumed murdered Harriet whose easygoing nature might hide more. Robin Wright is decent as Erika, Mikael’s editor and lover but she is given nothing to do, and Joely Richardson makes good work with the tricky Anita Vagner.
3. Cinematography
You got to give David Fincher one thing, he knows how to shoot a movie. The cinematography of the film is quite excellent, and having funds allowed Fincher to be expansive in scope when it came to showing the locales. However, just because you can do this doesn’t always mean it is a good idea to do so. Expansiveness can come at a price, in this case the feeling of claustrophobia the original had.
4. Trent Renzor’s score
Renzor worked with Fincher before in The Social Network and his stamp is all over this film. From the opening to the end, his music choices well suit the film.
5. I will never look at Enya the same way.
For those who seen the third act you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
So that’s what the film got right. Unfortunately, the easy part is over. Now I have to discuss the nuts and bolts of the NUMEROUS things this film got wrong. Where do I even begin…
1. The film is boring and long.
This is surprising, since the remake is about the same length as the Swedish theatrical cut. What zipped along without a care in the original has become bloated and exhausting. The ending of the movie drags on for a lot longer that it should like LOTR: Return of the King. The pacing of this film is all out of wack. Even the Swedish extended 3 hour cut doesn’t drag at all compared to this seemingly torturous long film.
2. The film is contrived.
This is also surprising given how much respect they seemed to have for the source material. The original was tightly plotted, and gave information and twists at just the right times. Here it comes across as spoon fed drivel. For example, Mikael’s daughter is the one who inadvertently gives him the break in a string of murders he is investigating after their brief visit together. Everything seems to tie into a sweet little bow in this film.
One of things I enjoyed about the originals was despite Mikael and Lisbeth being smart investigators, they still had to work for it. They fucked up and made mistakes. They made incorrect conclusions that almost cost them their lives on several occasions. The remake made everything too easy for them and by extension the audience.
3. Little investigation this time around.
For a film that is about investigating a 40 year old murder, there didn’t seem to be much investigating or research. Like the previous point acknowledged, everything seemed to fall into place way too easy. In the original, Mikael and Lisbeth actually had to travel a lot, look at murder scenes, and dig through countless files in order to make the connections. In the remake, it’s more like “hey dad here’s the meaning of the code about the murder girls; here’s the connection, oh this guy did it.” Fuck that.
4. Dainel Craig is horribly miscast.
I love Daniel Craig as an actor but seriously was he fucking asleep when he did this role? Craig seems have to no zest for part. He looks tired and defeated and forgot a key component to the character of Mikael Blomkist; his cocky swagger and his inability to lie down even after he was beaten to a pulp. Craig just looks tired and weary and not in a good way. Not to mention, you just can’t buy him as a journalist. Michael Nyqist was the perfect person his play him because he got it. Mikael is a guy who’s been the block a few times, he’s not superman, and usually gets his ass kicked. But he doesn’t back from a fight ever, and he doesn’t whine or complain when the going gets tough. Furthermore, he knows through his profession that words are the most powerful tools at his disposal. Another note, did anyone notice that Craig is never seen once even at the end, typing up work for an article? He’s a fucking journalist! Show it for God’s sake.
5. Rooney Mara is not the second coming of Christ
Okay, since no one has the balls to come out and say their opinion, let me help.
There is only one Lisbeth Salander and her name is N-O-O-M-I R-A-P-A-C-E.
Truthfully I felt bad for anyone who had to try and live up to the expectations of this character. To her credit, Mara was game and does a dare I say decent job. But one thing has to stop. The press has been fawning over her like mad about how great she was in the film, and how she made the character her own.
No she didn’t.
The only way to make it your own is be there first and best. And she wasn’t. I wouldn’t have this problem if this was the first iteration but the things she does differently DON’T WORK because they don’t fit with the psychology of the character. Mara plays her more as a girl who is acting out in several ways because of what has happened to her, but makes it seem like she wants to be normal. What Rapace did very well, was show that the life Salander had been dealt had shut her down so emotionally making it possibly unable she will ever recover. She trust few people, and can never fully open because of it. Mara wants us to believe that Lisbeth wants normalcy, wants a life with Mikael and it doesn’t fit, given what she has gone through. One exchange in the original sums this up pretty clear.
Mikael: I’ve told you everything about myself, and I still don’t know shit about you.
Lisbeth: That’s the way it has to be.
6. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig have ZERO chemistry
One of the biggest things about the trilogy is the relationship between these two. It isn’t here. Nyqist and Rapace made their relationship seem plausible. In the remake comes off a bit creepy. Rapace and Nyqist at least look like a plausible older-younger romance. Considering they show Craig’s Mikael having a teenager daughter not much younger that Lisbeth, it just looks wrong. Furthermore, the relationship was about Lisbeth trying to reach out and connect with someone if only for a moment. The film maker’s choice to make Mara’s Lisbeth seem more like a lovesick teenager makes her come off as bratty and immature. Rapace’s Lisbeth shows that even she realizes their affair was most likely doomed from the beginning, as her own mother’s experiences had made her wary of ever getting close to anyone.
7. The tattoo sucks.
Small point here, but Mara’s dragon tattoo didn’t really do it for me. The tattoo is supposed to be an external reminder of the Lisbeth’s inner strength and rage. Mara’s was not really there.
8. The ending was weak sauce.
Spoiler alertish: One thing I hated that they change was Mikael didn’t go to prison for libel. He was fined heavily but had no jail time. That was important to the story, as it became a catalyst for Lisbeth on her own volition, to dig deep into the Verstromm CEO and find the information Mikael needed, and her willingness to be there for him.
Without it, there seems to be less punch with Mikael getting justice. Not to mention, the 10 minutes wasted to show that Lisbeth goes around posing as Verstromm employee to dump the accounts is less satisfying. The original got the point across in less a minute and did it better. By having Mara’s Lisbeth’s cleaning of the accounts be Westromm’s fall instead of Mikael’s very damning article cheapens the emotional and narrative impact of the story of one of the lead protagonists.
9. The plot was disjointed.
The film jumped and forth haphazardly between the two leads until they finally joined up. Even then, the pacing was all over the place and gave the film a choppy feel to it.
There is probably a point of two I did not cover, but this will have to do in showing my displeasure. I knew from the very beginning that remake was a bad fucking idea but I still went and tried to see it with impartial eyes. What I found was a boring, bloated, diluted for mass audience misfire. Once again proof of two things. One, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, and two, more money does not make a better film.
Unfortunately, this remake has already made more than the original trilogy made in the U.S. combined. That is a truly sad fact. When it comes to their film consumption, if any, the majority of Americans are unwilling to go out of their comfort zone and see anything that is not in the English language. The “I don’t like to read subtitles” defense is one the most stupid and lazy arguments against watching foreign films. Hollywood has been accused of running out of ideas and this is a big reason for it. They no longer try because a majority of their audience is unwilling to look to the international market for other films. So they do not promote them heavily here and God forbid it is actually a good film, the U.S. studio system knows they can just buy the remake rights and bilk willing public of their money.
So to make my anger over this most clear let me say this: I am ashamed to have given David Fincher and company ten dollars of my money. It hurts to say it but it is the truth. I will not bother watching the further two in theatres or buying on video. Fincher and company will have to consider themselves lucky if I even bother illegally downloading these trepid pieces of shit. That is how strongly I feel about this.
Now I am just one voice, and probably a film elitist at that, but to those who know me know this; 9 times out of 10 I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I’M TALKING ABOUT. I have seen A LOT of films in almost 25 years and I try to see the good in even average films. But if I think a movie sucks, it sucks. And having seen both version I can state unequivocally, THIS MOVIE BLOWS.
So if you my want my advice here it is. Don’t give your money to this film or the other two U.S. remakes. In fact, I want you save money and go and buy the Swedish originals, preferably the extended cuts for the material they put back is not fluff at all and actually expands the narrative in a positive manner. You should watch them the way they should be watched with two actors, Noomi Rapace and Michael Nyqist who did not worry about their fame or box office returns, and thus put their very essence into their performances. They come off as believable to the point you forget they are two actors playing parts. Rapace and Nyqist lived it, Craig and Mara are just playing dress up.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Random thought: NC-17
Random Thought
What is the big fucking deal with NC-17 films and theatres and distributors refusing to put them out? This nation has a large conservative stick up it's ass. For those that don't know (all two of you), NC-17 means no one under 17 can see it. 18 and up. For the most mature of audiences it seems. This usually only happens with extreme sexual content including male genitalia, graphic sex real or not, and graphic nudity of the female variety. Or as Tom Green eloquently and smartly put it, "It's basically porn with murder."
But it seems to me that not allowing is a stupid business move considering attendance is at lowest in 16 years. A controversial carrying of a NC-17 film might bolster the box office. And just because it has that high rating doesn't always mean it is fully smut. One of the best film of the past year was SHAME, that tackled sex addiction fearlessly. But it was rated NC-17 and can basically only be seen in NYC where apparently the only mature people in the nation live.
Hasn't everyone forgot the golden rule; telling someone that can't do something makes them want it more. And besides hearing about a controversial film and how its banned, or graphic in detail, makes people want to find it.
Let me give an example. A British filmmaker made a film called 9 Songs a few years ago. It was banned for its graphic sexual content. Have the flipped through the movie, there's not much there in terms of content. It's purpose was about pushing envelopes and rightly so. Its claim to fame as it were is because the two leads in it actually have sex on camera. That's right, two professional actors, who had never met before had to construct a fuck buddy relationship on film, by you know actually fucking on film. Now I'm not saying you just hype a controversy to get press, but it is useful tool. If this was going to be in the U.S. and people heard that there was a film where the lead actors had actual sex for the movie, there would be uproar, but a lot of fucking people would want to see it and thus there is box office revenue for that.
Now let me stress once again, that I am not advocating for crap to be put out just to use the rating. On the other hand, that hasn't stopped Hollywood from putting out numerous other crap. I just think that the rating used wisely and maturely, can be a good thing. And we shouldn't be worried about "the children" or anything like that because THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE IT ANYWAY. I'm a fucking adult and I should have the right to decide it I want to see a mature film or what they consider mature. The SAW franchise was Rated R but god forbid we see some enthusatic sex. It just blurs back to the violence is okay but sex is not fallacy. We can watch a person get fully dismembered and that is somehow less tramuatic than watching the ole bump and grind. That argument has never held water to me. Not saying that young kids should be exposed to graphic sexuality until they are mature enough for it but somehow saying that violence is milder than sexual activity is one of the stupidest arguments that can be used for censorship of the film medium.
So I don't know if the NC-17 rating has to be a kiss of death. It doesn't have to be. We allow it to be so, because the studio system thinks we are not smart enough or mature enough to handle certain topics, or ideals. And because of that, they continue to put out junk on family approved R and PG13 ratings. In these harsh conditions, it takes the smart film viewer due diligence to search out alternative programming from the Hollywood machine in order to have a full, enriched experience.
At least until everyone grows the fuck up. That should be any day now. Not.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Random thought: Dollar Tree Pregnancy tests
Who is so broke that they have to buy a pregnancy test from Dollar Tree? No I am not shitting you. Right behind the counter, on hooks, are boxes of low grade pregnancy tests. I'm sorry, they may all be the same in a sense (fuck do I know) but with something as serious as impending motherhood, I think women would fork over a few extra dollars for a store brand for this situation instead of procuring one from a ghetto dollar store. So it makes you wonder, who the fuck are these tests for exactly?
Just a thought.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.
Random thought: Buffets
Random Thought: Have you ever been to a buffet establishment, your Cici's pizza, your Golden Corral etc, and see a overly big person having a meal? Then thinking to yourself, even if it is the asshole thing to do, "Buddy, you sure as shit don't need to be here."
I'm the only one? hmm...
Until next time fly high and fly well.
Update with life
As it were, I got about a little over three hours till I'm off. I am thankfully off tomorrow because I need the decompression. I wonder what days I'll get next week.
Until next time, fly high and fly well.